ClearMax® Now Accepts Bitcoin & Ethereum

We recently started to accept Bitcoin and Ethereum as payments for our products and Services. Adding an additional payment method is another step toward our goal of making energy-efficient windows affordable and accessible to all. But how do Bitcoin payments work really, and what are the advantages of using them?
Crypto payments are integrated into ClearMax® Windows & Doors website through BitPay: the largest and most respected cryptocurrency payment provider in the world. Thanks to the implementation of BitPay, Bitcoin and Ethereum payments can be conducted in a secure and easy way.
How to Pay With Bitcoin?
Payments done with BitBay are very simple. BitBay supports all Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets which means that you can conveniently pay with crypto with your favourite mobile, desktop or hardware cryptocurrency wallet.
When making a payment, BitBay will convert the price of an item from USD to BTC or ETH and display the exact amount of BTC or ETH needed for payment. After sending the specified amount of cryptocurrency to the provided wallet address, the platform will process your transaction automatically.
Registering an account on BitBay is not necessary to pay with crypto. You will only be asked to provide an email address, which will be used to inform you when the payment is finalized.
The exact time needed to complete a crypto payment can vary depending on various factors. In general, payments made with BitPay shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete.
Why the Need for Crypto Payments?
Cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of traction over the past decade due to their fundamental benefits. Crypto is not only private, democratic and extremely secure, but also immune to inflation, which makes it a very attractive long-term store of value.
We at ClearMax® firmly believe in innovation, and we consider crypto to be the future of finance. It’s a secure, inclusive financial ecosystem and we are happy to support its growth early on.
Are Crypto Payments Safe?
All transactions made on the blockchain network are secured with extremely advanced, state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms. Simply put, hacking the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains is 100% impossible according to the current state of knowledge, as it would take billions of years to break the algorithms securing BTC and ETH payments.
From a practical standpoint, a significant security advantage of crypto payments is the fact that they don’t require you to type in any sensitive information anywhere. The payment is done from your Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet, and BitPay just receives the transaction. It’s a massive security improvement over credit and debit card payments which force you to type in private information on a website.
All things considered, Bitcoin and Ethereum payments are some of the most secure and reliable methods of online payments. ClearMax Windows & Doors is pleased to be able to provide this innovative payment method to our customers.
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