When Should You Replace Your Windows?

Windows may be inanimate objects, but when you make an effort to pay close attention to them, they can send many signals that can tell you a lot about whether or not they need to be replaced. When it comes to window replacement, many homeowners hold a philosophy of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”.
Well, when it comes to optimal home efficiency and windows, nothing could be further from the truth. The windows in your home may appear to be fully functional, but in reality they could be far past their prime and costing you a lot of money in increased energy bills.
There are several different factors at play when it comes to windows needing to be replaced. That’s why our team here at ClearMax® has put together this guide to knowing when your windows need to be replaced.
It’s our hope that you can use this guide to determine whether or not you think it’s time for your windows to be replaced.
Signs of Damage:

There doesn’t have to be a hole in your window for it to necessarily be broken. In fact, as windows age, they can become warped over time and lose their insulation properties by allowing air from outside to come in, even if the windows look completely fine.
The fact that your windows can look like they aren’t broken can make it tricky when trying to determine whether or not they should be replaced. However, there are some signals that you can stay on the lookout for that can tell you whether or not your windows have been subjected to any warping over the years.
Some classic signs of warped windows you can stay on the lookout for are frequent condensation or fogging up of the window panes.
If this is occurring with windows that aren’t close to a source of steaming hot water, this is a sign that your windows are damaged and need to be replaced. Another tell tale of warped/damaged windows is the occurrence of a window that just gets stuck every time you try to open and close it.
This is a classic sign of warping of the window and it’s telling you that it needs to be replaced. Another classic sign of a warped window is if the window won’t stay open whenever you try to open it. If any of your windows are giving off these signals, it means it’s time to replace them.
Energy Costs:
Good windows are built to last up to twenty years. You may have replaced your windows fifteen or so years ago with some high quality windows that up even up until now show no signs of warping or any other form of damage.
You’ve maintained them and they are in tip top shape. However, your energy bills might remain much higher than they otherwise could be. During our hot summers here in beautiful San Diego, we love to have our air conditioners running and we love to keep our homes nice and cool.
However, windows from fifteen-twenty years ago simply aren’t going to be providing your home with the insulation that is necessary to keep your home cool in an efficient way during those hot summer days. The modern windows that are offered today are far more superior to older windows when it comes to insulation properties.
This directly translates to the energy costs associated with maintaining desired temperatures in your home. Furthermore, if your windows are not properly sealed and are letting the good air out, you’re likely to be paying for energy bills that are up to 25% higher than they would be if your windows were properly sealed and not letting out any air.
In these circumstances, spending the money to replace your windows with new ones will end up saving you a LOT more money in the long term. So, if you’re wondering whether or not it’s time to replace your windows, one of the first places to look for a sign is your energy bill. New windows can do a lot to help reduce the cost of that bill.
Home Remodeling:

If you are remodeling any part of your home, you might want to consider how replacing the windows might play into that project. Whether your home remodeling project is done with the intention of increasing the value of your home for a potential sale you are anticipating or whether it’s simply to increase the aesthetic enjoyment of your home, replacing the windows can do a lot to help you reach either goal.
Firstly, replacing your home’s windows with new ones will be of an enormous benefit in terms of increasing the market value of your home. It also is a very appealing feature to potential buyers, as most new homeowners don’t want to have to do a whole lot of remodeling work upon buying a new home. Having newly replaced windows will certainly place your home at the top of the market and will ensure that you don’t spend months waiting for the right buyer to come along.
Secondly, if your remodeling projects are done for the sole purpose of making your home look nicer for your own personal enjoyment, replacing the windows can do wonders in regards to that purpose.
Older windows tend to have more scratches, and the window frames/sashes can begin to fade and loser their color after several years of use. The windows in your home represent a perfect opportunity to add a sense of vibrancy and cleanliness to your homes, and new windows are really incredible at providing a sense of vibrancy and cleanliness.
If you’re remodeling your home, replacing the windows will be the cherry on top that makes your whole home feel brand new. Even replacing your windows by themselves without doing any other remodeling work can add a sense of refreshment and newness to your home.
We hope this article has helped guide your decision making process regarding replacing your windows. If you’ve come to your own conclusion that it’s time to have your windows replaced, get in touch with us right away!
We offer free estimates on all window replacements, and we can’t wait to make your home look amazing by installing new windows for you. Leave us a message as We look forward to hearing from you!
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